Selected Publications of Dr.-Ing. Ralf Ramsauer (M.Sc.)

PhD Thesis

OSS Architecture for Mixed-Criticality Systems: A Dual View from a Software and System Engineering Perspective
Ralf Ramsauer PHD thesisLeibniz UniversitÀt HannoverHannover: Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz UniversitÀt Hannover2021.
PDF 10.15488/11722 [BibTex]

Systems Engineering

TPCTC Conference A*
Tell-Tale Tail Latencies: Pitfalls and Perils in Database Benchmarking
Michael Fruth, Stefanie Scherzinger, Wolfgang Mauerer, Ralf RamsauerLecture Notes in Computer ScienceSpringer International Publishing2022.
PDF 10.1007/978-3-030-94437-7_8 Reproduction Package [BibTex]
Silentium! Run-Analyse-Eradicate the Noise out of the DB/OS Stack
Wolfgang Mauerer, Ralf Ramsauer, Edson Lucas, Daniel Lohmann, Stefanie ScherzingerBTW 2021Gesellschaft fĂŒr Informatik, Bonn2021.
PDF 10.18420/btw2021-21 Reproduction Package [BibTex]
OSPERT Workshop B
Look Mum, no VM Exits! (Almost)
Ralf Ramsauer, Jan Kiszka, Daniel Lohmann, Wolfgang MauererProceedings of the 13th Annual Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT '17)2017.
PDF Slides [BibTex]

Software Engineering

CCSW Workshop A*
The Sound of Silence: Mining Security Vulnerabilities from Secret Integration Channels in Open-Source Projects
Ralf Ramsauer, Lukas Bulwahn, Daniel Lohmann, Wolfgang MauererProceedings of the 12th Cloud Computing Security Workshop (CCSW '20)ACM2020.
PDF Video 10.1145/3411495.3421360 [BibTex]
ICSE Conference A*
The List is the Process: Reliable Pre-Integration Tracking of Commits on Mailing Lists
Ralf Ramsauer, Daniel Lohmann, Wolfgang MauererProceedings of the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '19)2019.
PDF Raw Data 10.1109/ICSE.2019.00088 Reproduction Package [BibTex]
OpenSym Conference B
Observing Custom Software Modifications: A Quantitative Approach of Tracking the Evolution of Patch Stacks
Ralf Ramsauer, Daniel Lohmann, Wolfgang MauererProceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym '16)ACM2016.
PDF 10.1145/2957792.2957810 [BibTex]